Global and Mobile Work Force
Looking for a portable, flexible retirement planning solution.
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Exceeded maximum retirement contributions either annual or lifetime
Wanting a way to ensure that post-retirement income is commensurate with current income levels.
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Sophisticated Estate Planning Requirements
UK and non-UK domiciled individuals with on-shore and off-shore assets that falls into the IHT net. Many UK ex-pats hold global assets that they think are exempt but are still taxable by HMRC.
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Equity release plan
Clients looking for liquidity from fixed assets through an equity release program backed by a secure and predictable investment return to outperform the interest bill.
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Capital Gains in High Growth Assets
By transferring high growth assets to My-Optimum, clients will pay CGT at current rates and on current values while asset growth is not taxable going forward.
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Non-UK residents planning for retirement
US and other non-UK citizens looking for exposure to an open-architecture investment platform
with fund selection flexibility and exposure to diverse portfolios within a regulated and protected
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